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Monday, June 18, 2018

Beanie Sigel Reveals Freeway May Have A Kidney Match - It is no secret that hip-hop legend Freeway has endured Kidney failure in the year of 2015 and currently has dialysis three times a week. The Philly rapper is very open about his health issues with Kidney disease and wants fans to go through the journey of recovery with him.

Recently, Freeway took to Instagram with a photo of himself at John Hopkins with one of the best transplant surgeons who is working on getting him a new kidney! Today, friend and former State Property member Beanie Sigel told social media in a video, "Please pray for my brother @phillyfreeway just received great news that a possible compatible kidney was found." The Philly rapper held back tears as he updated fans, "If it's not compatible at least he is receiving calls now." 

"I truly want for my brother what I want for myself,,I love you free for the sake of Allah & then for my own selfish reasons."


Stay tuned for Freeway's upcoming album ‘Think Free’ on June 22nd

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